Welcome to The Creative Cake House!
So this is my first ever blog post, how exciting! And scary! I have to admit, this is my third attempt at writing this, but here it goes!
Thank you for joining me!
So who am I you ask?
Hey! I’m Sophie, well I’m ‘Sophie’ to my mum when iv been naughty so you can call me Soph.
Look here I am >>>
Id like to introduce to you my business, The Creative Cake House, we design and make cakes for all occasions. But more on that another time, let me take you back and start at the very beginning (as they say, its a very good place to start!)
I have always been creative, I cant remember a time when I wasn’t cutting something up and sticking it to anything I can find. Its in my blood! As a child, we did card making, made Christmas decorations, jewellery making, basically anything that kept us quiet, and that it did. I loved it! And I still do to this day! Give me anything creative and I’m in my element.
We always used to bake with Mum and Dad and of course there was always a fight between who would lick the remnants of cake mix from the bowl and who would lick the spoon. I must add I was the youngest sibling, need I say any more.
From my creative upbringing, I focused on two crafts which I absolutely loved, these were cooking and sewing, completing both catering and textiles at GCSE. From there, moving into A-Levels I stuck with my food tech and textiles pathway. During my A-Levels, we had to complete voluntary work experience, I visited a small cake business run by two sisters (two of the most loveliest people you could meet I have to add).
This is where the fire and passion was ignited inside me and I haven’t looked back since.
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From this point in my life, aged 16 I began making cakes. It started with friends and family, barely making any profit, but this is where I learnt all of my skills and gained all of my experience. It was a tough time I have to admit but was super fun! Being completely new to cake making and decorating I had to learn from my mistakes and that I truly believe is how my passion and love for cake making grew and grew to where it is today!
I continued to make cakes from this point onward, alongside completing my A-Levels and completing my University degree in Fashion Design for Performance and Bridal Wear. As much as I loved designing and making garments, I always felt comfort and release when heading back to the kitchen.
So, after graduating, that’s what I did. I focused all of my efforts into my cakes, pushing myself to begin promoting my business, Sugar Embroidery Cakes (named after my love of both baking and sewing) and expanding my skill set, experimenting with new techniques as well as building my portfolio.
Look here’s the wedding dress I designed and made in my final year of university, modelled by the amazing and stunningly beautiful Kassani >>>
In February this year I decided it was time to take the next step, it was time to reach out, grow and push my business to new heights. I began the launch of not only a new website, but a new brand. The Creative Cake House!
And that brings us back to the present day, with me sat here writing my very first blog to feature on my freshly designed and published website for my newly branded business.
I am super excited to see where this new road takes me, and I hope you will join me on this journey. You can follow us on Facebook @creativecakehouse1 I am super lucky to do what I love every single day and cannot wait to see what new and interesting prospects are around the corner.
I hope you have enjoyed hearing a little more about me and my journey on how I got to where I am today. Stay tuned to hear some exciting stories, see some crazy creations and to explore more of the Creative Cake House.
See you soon 🙂 xxx